Compound Chocolate

Sestavljena čokolada je narejena iz kakava v prahu in rastlinskih maščob, kot sta palmovo ali kokosovo olje. Videti je kot čokolada, ima enak okus kot čokolada, vendar jo je veliko lažje uporabljati. Preprosto jo stopite in uporabite za vse vrste nanosov. Puratos ponuja visokokakovostno izbiro sestavljenih premazov za najrazličnejše načine uporabe. Z izbiro le najboljših kakavovih zrn in najbolj svežih sestavin se linija Carat odlikuje po vrhunski kakovosti, odlični izkušnji okusa ter pravi teksturi in viskoznosti.

Sestavljena čokolada, prilagojena lokalnim okusom

Carat compound chocolate products are manufactured in Puratos plants around the world. The range is adapted in every region to the local taste preferences and application requirements. Local production also ensures that customers can rely on the same quality standards and product consistency, regardless of where they buy their products. In addition, we always strive to develop innovative concepts that bring a new lease of life to the world of compound chocolate.

Custom creations

Whether you are looking for solutions for moulding, dipping, panning, decorating, flavouring or bake-stable applications, Carat compound chocolates will offer top-notch performance every time. Pastry chefs, bakers and chocolatiers are delighted with how easy the products are to use. With our compound chocolate range, and our focus on ease-of-use and customization, our customers can spend their time on creating new and innovative products. Puratos also offers solutions tailored to your personal requirements for taste, performance and production.

Cacao Trace

Cacao-Trace je Puratosov trajnostni program za kakav. Ima dva cilja: spodbuditi kmete za pridelavo bolj kakovostnih zrn in zagotoviti, da bo gojenje kakava tudi v prihodnosti ostalo privlačen posel.

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